Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity (1987 To 2022) (2024)

  • Brian Onyango

Updated on April 8, 2024

A refrigerant is a substance used in a heat pump and refrigeration cycle. In most cases, the term “refrigerant” refers to a chemical compound such as Freon (trademark), which is used in the vapor-compression refrigeration cycle.

When acting as a working fluid in a reverse Rankine cycle, another common name for this class of substance is heat transfer fluid (HTF).

The Civic has always been a reliable and affordable car. But one thing that might not be so affordable is the cost of refilling your A/C unit. The 2022 Honda Civic’s refrigerant capacity can range from 17 to 19 ounces.

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Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity (1987 to 2022)

Model YearCapacity
202217-19 ounces
202117-19 ounces
202017-19 ounces
201917-19 ounces
201817-19 ounces
201717-19 ounces
201617-19 ounces
201523 ounces
201417-19 ounces
201317-19 ounces
201217-19 ounces
201117-19 ounces
201017-19 ounces
200917-19 ounces
200817-19 ounces
200717-19 ounces
200617-19 ounces
200517-19 ounces
200418 ounces
200318 ounces
200218 ounces
200123 ounces
200023 ounces
199923 ounces
199823 ounces
199723 ounces
199622 ounces
199519 ounces
199419 ounces
199322 ounces
199223 ounces
199133 ounces
199031 ounces
198931 ounces
198834 ounces
198725 ounces

Here is a breakdown of the Honda Civic’s refrigerant capacity by model year:

2022 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2022 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. The freon helps to remove the heat from the engine and keep the car operating at a comfortable temperature.

2021 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2021 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. It’s advisable to check your owner’s manual to see the specific capacity of your car.

2020 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2020 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. This fluid helps to keep your car’s engine cool, and it’s important to make sure you have the correct amount in your system.

2019 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2019 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. Heat pumps move heat from one place to another, and the refrigerant is what helps to make this possible.

Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity (1987 To 2022) (1)

2018 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2018 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. The vapor compression cycle is how a fridge works, and it’s also how the air conditioning in your car works. The refrigerant helps to make this happen by absorbing heat and then releasing it elsewhere.

2017 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2017 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. This fluid helps keep your car’s engine cool, and it’s important to make sure you have the correct amount in your system.

2016 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2016 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. This fluid is used to cool and lubricate the compressor.

2015 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2015 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 23 ounces. This means that you’ll need 23 ounces of refrigerant to properly fill the system.

2014 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2014 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. You’ll need to check your owner’s manual to see what type of refrigerant is required for your model.

2013 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2013 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. Too much of this fluid can cause damage to the compressor, so don’t overfill.

Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity (1987 To 2022) (2)

2012 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2012 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. This is the same capacity as the 2013 model. The amount of refrigerant required will depend on the model of your Civic.

2011 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2011 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. The Freon is an important part of the cooling system and helps to keep the compressor running smoothly.

2010 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2010 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. Using less of the recommended amount can cause the compressor to overheat and fail.

2009 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2009 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. You’ll need this much of the fluid to properly allow the parts to function as intended.

2008 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2008 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. This is the best standard to follow when filling the system. You don’t want to use too much or too little of this fluid.

2007 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2007 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. This is the best way to make sure your system is running smoothly. Make sure not to overfill.

2006 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2006 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. The amount used (less or more) may result in compressor problems such as insufficient cooling or lubrication.

Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity (1987 To 2022) (3)

2005 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2005 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19 ounces. When adding this fluid, make sure not to overfill the system. Too much of the fluid can cause damage to the compressor.

2004 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2004 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 18 ounces. This is the amount of fluid required to properly fill the system. Overfilling can lead to damage to the compressor.

2003 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2003 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 18 ounces. This amount of fluid is necessary for the system to function properly.

2002 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2002 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 18 ounces. This is the best way to make sure your system is running smoothly. Make sure not to overfill, as this can lead to compressor issues.

2001 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2001 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 23 ounces. The amount used (less or more) may result in compressor problems such as insufficient cooling or lubrication.

2000 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 2000 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 23 ounces. When adding this fluid, make sure not to overfill the system. Too much of the fluid can cause damage to the compressor.

Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity (1987 To 2022) (4)

1999 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 1999 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 23 ounces. This is the amount of fluid required to properly fill the system. Overfilling can lead to damage to the compressor.

1998 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 1998 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 23 ounces. Heating and air conditioning systems require this much of the fluid to function as intended.

1997 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 1997 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 23 ounces. Overheating is the primary concern with too little refrigerant. The compressor can also be damaged by a lack of lubrication.

1996 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 1996 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 22 ounces. The A/C system will not function properly if there is too little refrigerant. It is also important to not overfill the system.

1995 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 1995 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 19 ounces. This is the best way to make sure your system is running smoothly. Make sure not to overfill, as this can lead to compressor issues.

1994 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 1994 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 19 ounces. When adding this fluid, make sure not to overfill the system. Too much of the fluid can cause damage to the compressor.

1993 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 1993 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 22 ounces. This is the amount of fluid required to properly fill the system. Overfilling can lead to damage to the compressor.

Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity (1987 To 2022) (5)

1992 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 1992 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 23 ounces. This is the best way to make sure your system is running smoothly. Make sure not to overfill, as this can lead to compressor issues.

1991 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 1991 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 33 ounces. This is the amount of fluid required to properly fill the system. Overfilling can lead to damage to the compressor.

1990 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 1990 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 31 ounces. This is the best way to make sure your system is running smoothly. Make sure not to overfill, as this can lead to compressor issues.

1989 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 1989 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 31 ounces. This is the amount of fluid required to properly fill the system. Overfilling can lead to damage to the compressor.

1988 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 1988 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 34 ounces. This is the best way to make sure your system is running smoothly. Make sure not to overfill, as this can lead to compressor issues.

1987 Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity

The 1987 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 25 ounces. This is the amount of fluid required to properly fill the system. Overfilling can lead to damage to the compressor.


The 2022 Honda Civic has a refrigerant capacity of 17-19.0 oz. Every model from 1987 to the current model has at least this much capacity. The fluid help cools the engine and prevents overheating.

When it’s low, the car will overheat more quickly. You should check your fluid levels regularly and top off as needed.

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Honda Civic Refrigerant Capacity (1987 To 2022) (2024)


How much freon does a 2022 Honda Civic hold? ›

Air Conditioning
Refrigerant TypeHFO-1234yf (R-1234yf)
Charge Quantity15.3 – 17.1 oz (435 – 485 g)
Lubricant TypeND-OIL 14 (POE)
Quantity6.4 – 7.3 cu-in (105 – 120 cm3)

How much R134A refrigerant is required? ›

1.5 lbs. or 24 oz of R134A is what is required. Hand-turn the compressor 15-20 times after charging! Failure to do this may cause the reed valves to become damaged.

What is the correct amount of refrigerant? ›

According to PG&E, most central air conditioning systems use two to four pounds of refrigerant per ton of cooling capacity. A three-ton air conditioner would typically have six to 12 pounds of refrigerant for a proper charge.

How many 12 oz cans of freon do I need? ›

Stated simply, it depends. (1) It depends on the car. Most cars will hold between 28 and 32 ounces of refrigerant (or about 2-3 12oz cans), however larger vehicles and those with rear A/C will likely hold more. Check your vehicle manual for proper system capacities.

How many ounces is a can of 134a freon? ›

PRODUCT OVERVIEW: Pure R-134a, no oil or dye added.

What happens if you put too much R134a? ›

Excess refrigerant stops the AC from working correctly and efficiently. This causes the system to fail to maintain cooler temperatures like it used to.

How do I calculate how much refrigerant I need? ›

No complicated math required, you simply add together the gas in the pipe, the compressor/condenser section, and the evaporator = total charge.

What should the high and low side pressures be for R134a? ›

R-134a System Pressure
Ambient (outside) Temperature °FStandard Low Side Pressure Range PSIStandard High Side Pressure Range PSI
3 more rows

What is the refrigerant capacity? ›

Typical residential systems hold between 5 and 20 pounds of refrigerant. On average it's about 3 pounds per ton (12,000 BTU) of air conditioning.

What is the safe fill capacity of refrigerant? ›

Maximum allowable gross cylinder fill weight is 0.8 x water capacity x specific gravity of the refrigerant recovered @ 77°/25°C + cylinder tare weight.

What is the rule of thumb for refrigerant charge? ›

The most widely quoted rule of thumb is the 100˚ – 110˚ over ambient discharge rule. This guideline states that a properly charged unit will have a discharge line temperature of 100˚ – 110˚ above the outdoor temperature.

How much freon does a 2015 Honda Civic hold? ›

A bad compressor will get noisy. Too much Freon will make this happen. These sounds need to be look into quickly or You will lose Your mind. The 2015 honda civic freon capacity is 23 ounces.

How much freon does a 2016 Honda Civic hold? ›

The 2016 Honda Civic does use freon just like most other vehicles. The freon reservoir is going to hold up to 18 ounces of freon.

How much freon does a 2008 Honda Civic hold? ›

The 2008 Honda Civic uses r-134a refrigerant in its reservoir. This vehicle has a freon capacity of up to four quarts. You can find this refrigerant at many major big box retail locations, such as Walmart or Sam's Club in the automotive centers.

How much refrigerant does a 2006 Honda Civic take? ›

The 2006 Honda Civic a/c refrigerant capacity is 17 - 19 oz. Adding refrigerant is a fairly simple task. There is a container under the hood that will be marked as freon. It may be clear but is not always.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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