Loud gods - Chapter 7 - D_rissing, nightmaster000 (2024)

Chapter Text

(Hours later)

A fancy car was making its way across the suburbs.

Inside was no other than Jancey Yates...but unlike earlier she no longer had a permanent smile on her face.

Now she had a scold that only deepened as her phone began ringing.



"Yates" she answered in a sweet tone while her smile returned full force.

"I heard there was an incident on the school" an old voice sounded from the other side of the phone "And I mean on bigger that what we were planning"

"Yes, it seems a third party interfered." The woman said with a slight sigh her signature grin falling by a millimeter.

On the other side of the line (inside a rich looking mansion), a short, elderly man, with light fair skin, white hair, and a mustache scoffed as he looked down to his land.

he was dressed in elegant green robes with golden cuffs and furisode-esque sleeves and a wide, golden obi-like sash and a royal beaded emerald hat on his head.


"It took a bit of effort and no short money to change the transportation order and get those filthy easts into the school without no one of importance noting it" said the man in pompous tone "you assured me that the plan was fool-proof and would help secure our superiority over the filthy morties...and now you telling me someone interfered?" he asked with some anger. "And at least I hope you can tell me who?"

On the other side while Jancey kept her composure what seemed like annoyance yet also wariness flashed across her expression.

"Unfortunately, not yet." she said shaking her head, "only that they had control over water" she reported before adding with a chuckle, "though we do have those idiot morties believing it was a beast among the exhibit that managed to get all of them loose."

"Huff easy trick the peasants...but if anyone on our kind try to investigate this incident I don’t think won’t be so easy" called the old man summoning a cloud and stepping on it "I will try keep the Security board away from the incident and you better keep the PA calm in the meantime" he added "and I don’t think I have to remind you we can’t have our duty be messed up by incidents like this one"

"Of course not sir." Jancey replied as if the answer was obvious, "we work to ensure a restoration of the proper order…"she said her smile returning full force "where the gods guide and rule the world as is our right."

"Huff good to hear you still know what our mission is" called the old man "now see if you can find whoever messed with your plan and if it’s not useful for us get rid of them!"

"Will do sir" Jancey replied back with a preppy smile and tone "I'll make sure to question Huggins and the students on anything they might have seen that could lead us to the culprit." she told him before adding with a light laugh "who knows… this could be an opportunity in itself for an ally or a new recruit"

"huff...I will be happy if it only means not losing time and money again with your plan Yates" called the old man "and make sure to send me another of those crowns that daughter of yours make...I’m down to the last one"

"Of course, sir" Jancey replied back promptly and loyally while he hummed out.

"it's only a shame that only one of your children has shown to be more than a filthy mortie." the man remarked in an annoyed tone "after all, we need every recruit we can get to forge our new pantheon and dynasty."

For the first time Jancey lost her smile in full.

"The ritual of my youngest will be soon" she said with irritation in her tone "and I’m more than sure he will show he is also a superior being"

Her smile now completely gone into a frown her husband while not a god like herself had his uses in his connections but giving her good children much like gods were apparently not one of them never mind his performance in the bedroom.

It’s what lead to her seeking out other candidates to giving her children with her easily convincing and manipulating her husband into believing it was his own idea.

"You were sure with your second and third child and we both know they only are useful to be our servants" huffed the old man "although your second daughter could be a nice concubine"

"Ah Belle..." Jancey replied back with a huff rolling her eyes "The fact that she can't seem to realize her place no matter how hard she works to match her sister achievements is disappointing." The woman said coldly "If you want her, you are free to her...for the right compensations of course." she added with a slight smirk "I’m sure she'd be honor to serve a god and give birth to other gods"

"Huff...that’s the only thing she will good at I suppose" said the old man "I will arrange a transaction of $500,000.00 for her later if you think that’s enough compensation"

"Why that sounds just perfect " Jancey said with a little laugh, "I'm sure she'll be overjoy at this just like I'm overjoyed to being a grandmother sir"

"Whatever you say Yates" Tetherby rolled his eyes "I will send you a contract on a couple of days for you to sign her over, for now keep your eyes and ears open for whoever ruined your plan and try to not mess up!" he finished cutting the call.

Silence stood in the car for several moments before Jancey spoke in a cold tone of disdain.

"Arrogant trump up fool!" She hissed out clenching her phone tightly her smile strained and her eye twitching.

"If it wasn’t because he has so much power and influence, I would have cut him off" she added in anger.

Wanting to create a "new pantheon" and be worshiped as she was fated to wasn’t as easy as one would think.

It needed allies, Money, influence...she has built up plenty of that on her now but not as much as old man Tetherby.

The fact that despite his appearance and age he was probably one of the most powerful and experienced inheritors alive just added more sting to it...but putting up with him would all be worth it once she was Queen of the new era.

"At least Belle might finally be useful for something." Jancey muttered out with annoyance and disappointment while thinking of her youngest daughter hopefully she could at least give birth to some powerful god children instead of lowly morties plus perhaps she'll be disregarded enough by her new master to act as a pair of eyes and ears on the old fool.

"Hmm...this reminds me…" the new Athena suddenly blinked rubbing her chin "I still need to have a discussion with Beatrix and the interest she's found in that Loud boy." she remarked with an eye roll sighing, "she needs to understand that keeping a mortie as a pet and lover is all well and good but acting like a school girl with a crush for a lowly mortal is beneath a goddess." she grumbled under her breath.

With that she turned left and reached a nice looking home...modest yet well looking on the outside…but thats how she liked it.

huffing she parked the car and entered the house.

"Ah darling just in time" the happy tone of her husband received her.

Bumper Yates was a round man, with dark skin, and brown hair parted at the middle. He was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, tan shorts, a black belt, a light blue sweater tied around his shoulders, white socks, and brown shoes.

The guy was a caring husband and for being a mortie (in Jancey opinion) he wasn’t bad...specially with a high successful yachts business.

"Oh? something happened?" asked the new Athena in curiosity.

"Hehehe indeed" said the man with a smile making signs to someone. "Belle has exciting news!"

coming to view was a girl with dark skin, dark brown hair tied into a ponytail with a pink bow supporting it; and also had braces. She was wearing white pearl earrings, a white long-sleeved shirt, a pink sweater tied around her shoulders, tan cargo shorts, white socks worn up high, and black and white shoes.

"H-hey mom" the girl greeted holding a piece of paper looking between nervous and excited.

“Yes? what is it dear?" Jancey said with an arched brow wondering what the two were bothering her with while putting on her face as the perfect mother and wife ah the things a future Empress of a pantheon must do.

Belle smiled.

"I was chosen to be lead violin on the school band!" she called in happiness "we also will compete to be the orchestra for the next apotheosis ritual´s festival!" She finished with an excited tone.

Jancey felt her eye twitch in annoyance.

"That's nice dear..." she said with a faux grin and cheerfulness causing Belle own smile to fall, "now if that's all I’m afraid due to today’s incident i've got quite a bit of work today." she told them as she walked off, "Oh and Bumper if you see Beatrix tell her I need to have a word with her."

"I....yes dear..." said the Yates patriarch looking at her daughter in worry. "Belle?"

"I...she might be too busy" said the girl "I mean...we all heard the alarm so..."

"Yeah, sure you keep telling yourself that" called another male voice.

Leading on a wall was a teen boy with brown hair, large brown eyebrows, a mole on his left cheek, a big chin, and two strands of hair that came out of the top of his head. He was wearing a greenish blue t-shirt, navy blue shorts, a white sweater tied around his shoulders, white socks, and white shoes.

"I told you Belle that she wouldn’t give two thoughts about this" he snarked with some anger "she never has and never will"

"Now don't say that Jr.." Bumper Sr told his tone worriedly with a frown only for the boy to scoff, "please dad you know it's true." He said with a dark scowl, "unless you’re a god or useful than she barely gives anyone a second thought."

And he knew what he was talking.

Like Belle he also was fully mortal...but unlike her he already knew that their mother love was 100% tied to your status.

Since he didn’t become a god...she slowly but notable (for him) have stopped paying attention or caring about what he did (unless it was something that "risked their status in the community") and instead put all her attention and effort on their eldest sibling...the only god in the family (apart their mom)...for now.

"I don’t know why you still try sister" Jr called "deep down you must know she only still call us her kids is appearances and that’s all"

At those words Belle couldn't help but give a flinch and look away.

"She cares....I know it.." she denied weakly rubbing at her arm, "She's....just got a lot of responsibilities is all." she rationalize with a frown after all their mother was a inheritor and the head of the parents association.

"Indeed, she have and indeed she does" called her father "she does love you..."he added turning to his son "you shouldn’t doubt that"

However, Jr simply gave them a flat look, "can you even remember the last time she said she loved any of us?" He asked before adding with a scowl, "And I mean here at home not when we're out in public."

Both "mortals" looked away (and flinched more in Belle´s case).

"She...still participate in game nights..."

"Huff only because Beatrix and Beau still like to do that" Bumper scowled "and I don’t think she will keep doing that if Beau turns out to be like us"

"you mother....is just a bit standoffish...that's all." Bumper sr. said nervously while rubbing at the back of his neck with a grimace.

"huff...that’s a way to say it" called the older boy of the family before turning and deciding to walk away "I do will say I won’t be the one to explain things to little bro...if she start acting standoffish with him after his ceremony"

Bumper Sr. couldn't help but grimace at that he knew his wife could be cold sometimes but she did truly love him and all their kids....right?

As he thought this Belle looked down feeling her eyes water.

“I...I think i'm...going to go practice my violin." she said her voice cracking a bit.

Before her father could say anything, she raced to her room.

Bumper jr. shook his head.

"Im going out" he said.

"Jr. it hasn't been long since the incident...dont you think it could be dangerous?" asked his father.

Only for his son to give off a bitter scoff.

"I'll try my luck with the monster over mother any day." He said with a scowl as he began to stomp off.

Bumper sr. signed tire...he knew that they weren't the perfect family his wife pretended them to be...but he could only hope he could do something to at least have everyone truly smile together someday.

For now...he should see how Belle was.


The older Yate boy pulled out his phone and marked a number.

"Hey Grant! is that invite to that meeting you wanted to go still open?" he asked "it is? thanks...yeah...yeah...mom again…yes...would do anything to not be at home for a while...yes...yes...ok will see you there"

He sighed as he hung up feeling beyond irritated from his mother and angry from the looks on his father and Belle faces.

"Gods...nothing but trouble" He muttered in a low voice filled with resentment before pausing as he saw the all too familiar form approaching the house and held back an irritated groan realizing the day was only going to get better. "Hello...Beatrix." he greeted his other sister stoically.

Coming to the house was a tall, slim teenage girl with light tan skin, and long black hair with bangs, that came down to her waist. She was wearing a white toga with a bronze bustier, a bronze belt (with a golden laurel crown hanging from the side), bronze arm-guards and sandals. on her hand she was carrying a torch with golden fire and on her back two big white wings.


"Bumper? you going out?" Beatrix asked with some worry.

"Yeah, going to meet with some friends get some fresh air." He said with a shrug.

"But...the alarm..." she called "for what I hear plenty of monster escaped the exhibition area without fighting the inheritors that arrived...some could be still loose close by"

However, Bumper just gave a scowl.

"I can take care of myself Beatrix!" He snapped with a dark look actually causing the girl to flinch back, "Just because I'm a mortal doesn't mean I'm helpless!" He humph crossing his arms "So why don't you save your sorry for your little boyfriend considering the monsters got loose at his school." He said as Beatrix flushed.
"Boy-boyfriend?! Lincoln is not my boyfriend!" called the girl her wings spreading behind her.

"I never said who I was talking about" said his brother finding amusing how miss-perfect-daughter, could get all flushed like that only mentioning the white-haired boy

This caused Beatrix to freeze and her face to turn even redder when she realized what she let slip as her brother shot her a smirk.

"Honestly still surprised that you're into a boy years younger than you and one of us lowly mortals at that." he added with a eye roll.

Her embarrassing turned into confusion and shook.

"Bumper!" she cried "you know I never thought myself better than you or our siblings!" she cried between angry and surprised her brother thought that.

She knew things weren't good between her siblings and her for a while now but...her brothers thinking that?

"Yeah sure you haven't…" Bumper Jr said with a scowl and roll of his eyes "I mean what reason could moms perfect goddess daughter who might as well be her only child at this point have to think herself better than the rest of us." He drawled out with dark sarcastic scorn.

"Bumper! I know things haven't been the same since you didn’t get your powers but that’s no reason to speak like that!" said the goddess with anger at the accusation.

"Oh save the lecture.." Bumper said with an eye roll as he started to walk away, "Why don't you worry more about getting moms permission to date a younger mortal boy instead of poking your nose in my business."

And before she could answer he rounded her (pushing her with his shoulder) and walk away.

"Bumper!" Beatrix called out to him only for her brother to ignore her as he ran off leaving her sigh sadly as her out stretched arm fell to the side "Bumper..." she muttered looking down at the ground feeling hurt by his words but also very worried for her little brother as well.

With a sight the new goddess of victory walked into her home.

"Im back!" she announced.
Only to see the house was apparently empty and despite herself even knowing everyone must been somewhere else in the house she couldn't help but feel more cold than welcome in her own home.

"Ah Beatrix!"

Before turning with a smile to face her mother the woman beaming at her positively as she walked into the room.

"How was your day sweetheart?" she asked bringing her into a hug, "no trouble I hope?" Jancey asked giving Beatrix a genuine grin.

"Hey mom" greeted back Beatrix "well...not really...I’m sure you heard about the incident at the royal woods elementary?"

"Unfortunately..." Jancey said with a sigh but still keeping her grin "in fact, I just got home from there dealing with the upset parents." she informed her daughter shaking her head, "honestly the nerve of some people blaming the gods for this disaster." she said with an eye roll.

"It was really that serious?" asked Beatrix "me and my group arrived after all seems to be done since our bus had an…accident after an out-of-control chariot crashed onto it" she explained "we only got a recount and then were sent back home with orders to keep an eye open" she pointed at herself "didn’t even got a chance to change"

"Ah..." Jancey nodded in understanding before sigh, "Well I’m afraid it was a regular disaster my dear." she said before recounting to her daughter on how not only had the monsters gotten loose but all the creatures that were there but weren't supposed to be in the first place while leaving out her own part in it after all not time to bring Beatrix completely in the fold...yet

"A CHIMERA!?" the new Nike yelled out in disbelief and wide eyes, "And it's still loose!" she added with a hiss before freezing, "And it almost killed Lincoln?!" she added with worry.

Jancey´s eyes narrowed for a moment.

"For what witness have told us...it seems he decided to play here and rescue a pair of girls that were in the wrong place at the grown time...none were hut, but the chimera is still unaccounted for" she said.

"Well that's good." Beatrix said with a sigh of relief hearing Lincoln was okay while flushing at the idea of her younger crush saving two other girls like a dashing hero...though also felt a slight sting of jealous "Uh..that is.." However, at her mother’s look she quickly stammered out, "I mean that they're okay...not that the chimera still loose." she added with a strained grin before freezing "Wait Bumpers gone out and a Chimera loose!" she realized as fear for her brother’s safety suddenly surged forth.

"He went out?" asked her mom "he didn’t tell me he will uggg" she groaned "Honestly that boy is he trying to embarrass us in front of the whole community." her mother groused as Beatrix found herself frowning at her mother’s words and tones...wasn't she worried that Bumper could get hurt "never mind...I’ll deal with him later." Jancey said shaking her head, "Right now I need to discuss a few things with you, young lady." she told her daughter sternly.

"Me? mom!" called Beatrix "shouldn’t we go after Bumpers?!" she asked in worry.

"I will go after him AFTER I’m done talking with you" called the Yates matriarch "I’m sure the chimera is not around this neighbor plus already an alarm have been raised so there will be plenty of security patrolling the streets"

Beatrix, despite seeing her mother’s point, couldn't help but give look of disbelief at this...but at same time long trained instinct of not wanting to disappoint her caused Beatrix to comply.

"I... suppose that makes sense..." she said though her tone still filled with worry, "but what exactly did you want to talk about?" She asked her mother.

"Well two things mainly dear.." Jancey said steering her daughter to the living room, "First of all my business associate needs more of your crowns..." she informed her daughter not having forgotten Teatherby´s earlier "request" "And secondly…" here Jancey gave her daughter a stern look, "your interest in a certain young mortal boy."

Beatrix frozen.

"I...my..my what?!" she asked nervously "pff...you have been hearing Bumper´s crazy talk? hahahaha" she laughed nervously.

Jancey narrowed her eyes noticing her daughter´s wings flapping nervously.

"Dear haven't I raised you better than to lie to your mother" the new Athena told her daughter sternly staring hard into her eyes "your little infatuation with the Loud boy is hardly a secret in this household." she added rolling her eyes "we really need to work on your ability to keep a secret too it seems." she added with a mutter after all it wouldn't do to bring her daughter into the fold only to give away the whole conspiracy due to bad nerves or one wrong word now would it.
"I…well...it’s not...I mean..." Beatrix stutter "Lincoln is a nice boy, smart, funny, and quite talent" she blushed before realizing what she was saying "but...but it’s not like I’m crushing on him!"

"Uh huh.." Jancey replied back flatly toward her daughter making it pretty clear how much she doubted that.

"Im not!” her eldest daughter called “I mean we have talked what? a couple of times...and well..." ok maybe would be better stop talking because she already felt she lost the battle (ironic considering she should be the goddess of victory).

"This kind of behavior is exactly what I need to discuss with you." Jancey said shaking her head "you are a goddess and yet you're throwing your dignity out the window to all but throw yourself at a child."

Beatrix flinched at that.

"I..what?! mother!! I’m not doing that!" she cried in shock...first her brother think she feels superior to him and now her mom accused her of acting improper with Lincoln?!

"Then what's this I hear about you allowing the boy to feel you up, or turning into a nervous wreck around him?" Jancey asked with a pointed arched brow.

Beatrix´s face went nuclear.

"MOM! THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT AND WAS MONTHS AGO!!!" she cried in embarrassment "he was thrown at me and we crashed with my armor coming undo!" she added not wanting to remember the moment she felt his hands on her chest.

Even though the feel of his skin against her chest and the way he squeezed her breasts by instinct had felt so nice and right...a part of her thought with a flush as her mother continued on.

"Even so my dear there is a proper decorum to things between gods and mortals." Jancey said giving her daughter what appeared to be an understanding smile, "if you wish to claim him that's all well and good." she told her daughter with an eye roll, "but throwing yourself at him when it's him who should be worshiping his goddess and thanking you for your attention is a whole other thing.

"I...wait...what? I..." Beatrix was confused. Was her mom telling her she would accept her dating Lincoln or not?

"You are a goddess dear" Jancey reminded her cupping her cheek as they both sat on the couch, "you need to remember that at the end of the day that makes you better and special compared to average mortals." Her mother said grinning happily, "The world is your oyster just waiting for you to claim your desire so reach out and take what is yours" she said giving a low laugh.

"I...well...I…suppose" ok so she was telling her...she should try date Lincoln? "I...I mean...I never have actually…think about it cause...well...I’m not sure he..." she blushed.

Goddess or not all girls (and boys) fear rejection.

This caused her mother to actually give a sigh in frustration.

"Beatrix...you...are...a...goddess." She repeated slowly emphasizing each word, "never mind a rather attractive, smart, and powerful one at that" She added with motherly pride and a laugh, "any mortal boy would throw themselves at your feet for simply the chance to talk with you." she told her daughter looking into her eyes, "And even by some insanity he's not interested..." here Jancey grin turned a bit dark, "you do what any god does and make him interested and claim your property no matter what"


The new goddess of victory still felt her face heating up at the suggestion.

"I...well...ehem...that sounds...good? ummmm so....make claim? umm well...I could...maybe invite him for a smoothie? there is a new place in town that I have wanted to try"

“Do whatever you'd like." Jancey said with a shrug, "just make sure he realizes that you..." here she pointed at her daughter´s face "are the one in charge..." Jancey chirped with a smile, "though…" Here she gave a hum rubbing her chin "while the loud family has an impressive record of producing godly children try to hold back on the desire of making me a grandmother...or at least use proper protection dear." she remarked with a shrug as Beatrix´s eyes went wide as her face turned thermonuclear.

after all Belle main use right now was breeding stock for potential godly children and as way to further ties with that arrogant wannabe Emperor....Beatrix however her daughter was far too useful to take off the field this early into the game do to pregnancy.

"MOM!!!" Beatrix exclaimed with her wings spreading fully "I…I...we aren’t even..I…I can’t...I...." she stood up and began walking away hopping to lock herself in her room for the rest of the day.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of dear” called her mom with a smile “sexual desires and conquests are a normal part of being a god!" she added at her daughters back with a laugh "Hehehe those like Zeus are just some of the more well-known is all"

"MOM!!!!" cried Beatrix before reaching her room closing the door behind her
Leaving her mother behind to give an amused smirk at her daughter’s reactions perhaps that Loud boy might be useful in giving her daughter to take proper initiative and more of the right attitude for an inheritor regarding claiming their desires and a mortal’s proper place in society.

Plus, he could be a way to get closer to his family; more importantly, his sisters, who could be swayed to see things her way and help bring about the new age

Also, while she'd prefer of course for her daughter to take a godly husband she didn't lie the Loud had produced an astounding number of children god children at that so if the genes prove true the Loud boy despite not being a god kid himself could prove useful in giving her daughter godly children rather than disappointments.

"Well two of them at least...let’s hope Beau is not like them" she scoffed as if her youngest turned out to be a failure as the other two she will need to start planning cut ties with her husband and the rest.

Honestly if it wasn't for the factor of her public image, she would have cut ties with her husband a lot sooner after all it's not like any of their children were really his poor fool still had no idea he shot blanks or realized she married him for his connections and influence nothing more nothing less.

"Well...I will deal with them if/when the times come" she said "now...I suppose should go after that Bumpers...sigh..." well she told her daughter she would go after him...not that she would find him

"Honestly tempted to play grieving mother for public sympathy do to him getting mauled by a monster." She muttered out standing with a stretch before rolling her eyes, "if such an event wouldn't call into my question my credibility."

Oh well...she supposed she could let herself be seen looking around…maybe could tell people Bumpers went out before she came home.

That sounded like a good and believable story to tell.

Meanwhile in her room Beatrix set her torch down in her special perch before moving to her drawer and pulled out a framed drawing of herself flying up in the clouds looking like a full goddess.

This was a gift Lincoln made for her last birthday (as her mom always made sure to invite the Louds).

"Lincoln..." She said with a sigh and silly grin.

Ok...she will admit she do might have a crush on the white-haired boy.

Ever since her family began meeting the Louds (as she and Luna were of the same age) the white-haired boy called her attention.

Was the soft white hair that made him look cute?

The helpful and kind aptitude of being around to help when needed?

maybe was the fact each time they talked (not enough on her opinion) he treats her...well...normal? not in a "she is a goddess I must fall on my knees" kind of way but in a "she is a girl and I want to talk with her" kind of way?

Whatever it was there was denying he was the one who had stolen her heart and she longed for the day where she could tell him and just sweep him up into her arms and....at that trail of thought she flushed while letting out a naughty giggle.

Her wings flapped behind her in sync with her mood.

"Whoa!!! hey sister what have you so happy?!” a voice called causing her jump in surprise.

"Beau!!" she called turning around "what have told you about entering my room without knocking?!"

Her youngest brother had light fair skin, light brown curly hair, and a missing tooth. He was wearing black glasses with rectangular lenses, a white shirt, tan cargo shorts, a yellow sweater tied around his shoulders, and white shoes.

Right now, he was trying to catch some flying papers (sent array by her wings movements)

"Sorry sis...I head you turned and I do need someone's opinion" he said catching a couple of papers.

"Opinion?" Beatrix repeated looking toward him with an arched brow, "opinion on what?" She asked curiously but with a small smile toward her brother always happy to help her family....ignoring that small whisper in the back of her mind that the only thing she could do to help her family was be there for her siblings while working to make their mother proud.

"My speech for when I become a god" he said "I only have 15 pages and not sure if that’s enough" Beau said looking at his papers with nervousness and even fear "It must be perfect" he added with a gulp.
Beatrix at those words shot her little brother a worried look as she remembered that he had been putting a lot of worry and pressure on himself for his upcoming inheritor ritual and seeing the fear and stress in his eyes while remembering her earlier encounter with Bumper caused her heart to twist in worry.

"You know you don't have to give a speech, right?" She asked and reminded her brother gently.

"Umm..yeah…I know it’s not mandatory but..." he shifted in place "I just...want to make a good first impression...mom says the first time they see you as a new god is the most important moment as it will show everyone what kind of god you will be"

Mom again... Beatrix thought holding back a sigh she loved her mother and she knew she only wanted the best for them but there was no lying that Jancey Yates could sometimes put a lot of pressure on her children while trying to teach them what's expected of a God and their responsibilities....at least in her case.

With a sigh she set down the painting of herself and moved to her brother before kneeling down.

"Listen Beau" she said putting a hand on his shoulders "yes that day will be really important...but it will be important to you...not others" she said "all that manners is that when the times come...you are satisfied with yourself"

"I..." Beau looked down at his feet, "that's the thing Beatrix..." his sister looked at him with concern, "What if I'm not satisfied with myself?.." he said with a grimace, "What if I feel like I'm not good enough to be like you and mom?" He added looking up at her with watery eyes.

"Beau" called Beatrix hugging the boy "you ARE good enough...you are talented and really smart…you already have made me and mom REALLY proud"

But does he really? after all Bumper and Belle do their best going above and beyond in their hobbies and studies but mom barely seems to give them a second glance these days a voice whisper into her ear.

Beatrix shook her head.

No! mom also notice them and is proud of them! she called back.

"How about you let me change and then you can recite your speech to me?" she asked.

Beau´s smile widen.

"Thanks sis!" he said hugging the girl "you are the best!"

"Heh no…you're the best Beau" Beatrix told him while bringing him in for a hug, "And don't you ever forget that" she added softly.

The boy smiled at that and picked up the remain papers before leaving her sister alone to change.

With Beatrix smiling at his back as the door to her room closed.

"I'm sure you do well Beau...or at least…" she sighed looking over the painting of her, "I hope.." she muttered her mind going back to not only her own siblings disappointment in the ritual failing for them but also Lincoln Loud and her feelings for him.





"Hey hey hey! how is my favorite thunder gal?!"

On a screen appeared a light-skinned, half-Chinese girl, with long brown hair and freckles. She was wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt revealing her shoulders, black shorts, a pink headband, white studded earrings, white socks and black knee-high tennis boots.

“Hey Sid.." Ronnie Anne said smiling at her mortal friend, "Doing good...other than Bobby hogging all the action that happened at the elementary school." she said with a slight huff while seating in the back of the bus.

After the senior students arrived to "control" the situation, Ronnie alongside the rest of first years were sent back to the academy

"Action? the exhibition got crazy or what?" asked Sid curious.

"Ha, I wish...nahhh it was cancelled because all the monsters got loose somehow" the new Thor answered without much importance "But I was there ready to knock heads off"

"Wait what?! the monsters got loose?" Sid repeated in slight shock and concern through the phone giving Ronnie Anne a worried frown, "no one got hurt, did they?"

"Pfff for some crazy dogs nahh! I will say I ended up saving one of our elders myself" Ronnie boasted.

"Careful Santiago" Stella called "don’t get your head too big or you could end up floating away"

"Oh ha ha Zhau.." Ronnie Anne shot her classmate a flat look, "Don't you know it's rude to eavesdrop on other people’s phone calls." she said with a huff.

"Not when she is basically yelling top lung and the bus is not that big" called Stella back.

And it was true. The bus was all modern and fast but big was relative...still with the volume the reincarnation of Thor was using...it wasnt hard for everyone to hear her.

"I must concur at your volume you could disturb the spirits of the dead." Morpheus said from his seat with a slight frown.

"pfff as if a bunch of ghost could scare me" said the new Thor "after the battle we had I’m itching for some time in the arena!" declare the girl with electricity bursting from her eyes.

"Ronnie you are sparking" called Sid "try to not short-circuit your phone again"

"Ah…yeah...whoops..." Ronnie at that paused while letting out a sheepish smile, "Good call Mami would kill me if I let that happen again." she admittedly with a wince before muttering out, "they really need to make products more durable for gods." she groused as Sid shot her a sympathetic look before speaking up.

"So, what exactly happen?" The girl on the phone asked with a concerned look, "how did the monsters get loose?"

"Eh who knows..." stated Ronnie before she was interrupted.

"I think Chandler said Lincoln did something" said Rusty falling on her sit and taking her phone from her. "That he conspired with the monsters and let them out"

"Highly unlikely..." Persephone said with a slight frown from her own seat, "I recall Lincoln from my mortal days with the mortician club with Lucy and he is not the type to perform such an act." The girl denied with a shake of head.

"Plus, Boris doubts monsters would work with mortals...right?" Boris stated before ending it questionably.

"Creepy 1 and 2 are right" said Ronnie taking her phone back and pushing Rusty away "Lame-o was a pushover that would cry at the first sight of problems" she said "Honestly think you and your friends pass to much time listen to clouds-for-a-brain"

"What's that suppose mean!?" Rusty demanded with a glare, "Yeah Chandlers been a right good fella to us all." Liam added from his own seat with Ronnie Anne giving a snort.

"If by neighborly doing his best to outshine the original Zeus as world’s biggest jerk." she scoffed out with a frown, "I sure as hell haven't forgotten what he tried to pull with me.." She added with a protective growl as she clenched her phone tighter.

Being the new “goddess” of thunder and he, the new god of lighting seems to mean (for him) they "belonged together" to the point that once he surprised her in the changing room after practices...while she was changing!!!!

"Yeah, got to go with Santiago with this." Stella chimed in with a wince and a scowl, 'if it wasn't basically law that all God kids needed to attend the academies to be trained that kinda incident could have seen him expelled." she said with a scowl crossing her arms.

"Never mind if the jerk had tried anything." Polly Pain called in with her own scowl because Chandlers reputation among the girls at the academy was well...how to put this


"Yikes do have heard Zeus likes to flirt but that do sound a bit over the top" said Sid from the phone.

"He does give a bit of creeps" said Chloe "I know he is your friend Clyde but...well...he is scary"

"He isn't...that bad." Clyde said weakly and defensively for his friend only for Ronnie Anne to scoff.

“Please at the rate he's going he's probably going to learn the hard way that the original Zeus habits toward women aren't tolerated in the modern age god or not." She said with a scowl and huff, "And once that happens it's a one way to ticket to...the you know where." she said before trailing off slightly nervous to even mention THAT location...the prison reserved for New Gods who...well sought to abuse their power and went rogue becoming a threat to the world itself.

Everyone shivered.

"Although the threat of THAT place do is freighting" said Zach "you must admit Chandler was quite insistence about Lincoln´s involvement in this incident...and I mean I never have seen him so sure of something before"

This coming from the same Chandler who gave Lincoln nothing but crap before becoming a god kid and think his oldest sisters is his property?" Ronnie Anne asked flatly after all the fact Lincoln never stood up to Chandler only proved he was a pathetic wimp in the girl’s eyes...but wimp or not he's isn't some crazy or a criminal who would pull this kind of stunt even if he had the guts.

"I mean...reasons he must have" said Rusty.

"I don’t know...sounds like he and Lincoln had bad history" said Stella "would have like talk with him to know more" she added.

"Same…although he was a bit rude to Clyde" added Chloe.

"That's because he's jealous and bitter" Rusty called out with a scoff "right Clyde?" He said to the other boy who gave a nervous nod.

"Yeah...jealous and bitter..." He said with a strained grin while Chloe frowned a part of her still worried about the things that boy said....but Clyde wasn't like that she knew it....there just had to be another explanation...a misunderstanding of some kind.

"hey misty girl" called Ronnie "don’t sweat over it…its not worthy lose your mind over someone like Lincoln Loud"

"I will say you never mentioned him...yet you seem to know him" said Sid.

"Bobby’s just dating his sister" Ronnie Anne said with a shrug, "But other than his family there's nothing special about him" she said bluntly, "just a typical mortal nobody..." she started to say before freezing as she remembered she was talking to her friend....her mortal friend...who was currently shooting Ronnie Anne a hurt look "Sid wait I..." she started to say only for Sid to cut her off.

"What's that?!" Sid called out to someone out of camera shot "Oh sorry Ronnie Anne moms calling me got to go!" she called out quickly with a strained grin.

"Wait Sid! I’m sorry it wasn’t my intention!" called Ronnie in hurry "it’s just the guy really gets on my nerves that’s all!"

However, Sid had already hung up causing her to groan as she face palmed.

“great.." she said with a scowl that only grew when Stella spoke up.

"Smooth Santiago...real smooth." The other girl said sarcastically while sending Ronnie Anne a disapproving frown, "it's because of things like that the Ragnarök organization got so many supporters." she said with a grimace her mind going to the anti-supernatural organization that preached the danger of gods along with the monsters saying the gods saw good normal folks as nothing but toys or slaves to their amusem*nt with her mind going back to some of the people who attacked her family home spewing nothing but hate and scorn.

"Grrr is yours and the three scrooges’ fault!" yelled the new Thor "why you need to bring Lame-o up? he is old news, dust in the wind, who gives two cents about him?!"

With the boys wincing while Stella found herself giving a glare toward Ronnie Anne before a new voice spoke up

"His family for starters..." Carol Pingrey spoke up sternly from where she was sitting at the front sending the younger girl a look not liking her attitude.

"Boris must admit confusion as to the hostility to Lincoln Loud." The reincarnation of Anubis said aloud with confusion, "Boris found him quite nice and understanding during times old morticians club held meetings at Loud house."

"He was a good soul that didn’t fear the dark and had quite a poetic side" added Persephone.

Ronnie huffed not liking where the talk was going.

"Oh, please as if any of you actually care about him!" she called "since you enter the academy I bet you never thought about him again!"

This comment caused frowns to be sent her way.

"we were hardly that close in first place but that doesn't mean I wished him ill." Persephone said back with a frown "we had our own duties to attend to after all."

"And I make sure to say high to him each time I visit Lori" said Carol with a frown.

"Same when I visit Luan" added Benny (being one of the senior students to escort the first years back to the academy).

"Honestly I’ve got no complaints against him and wish him a good life in this dark life." Morpheus added with his own shrug.

"It seems that outside SOME PEOPLE" Stella glared at her friends "and those that doesn't know him, you are the only one that have something against him" she giggled "what? you jealous of him?"

"WHAT!!" Ronnie Anne roared out in disbelief glaring at her, "Why would I be jealous of that lame-o loser!"

She was Ronnie Ann Santiago...the new Thor...goddess of thunder...of WHAT she could be jealous of some loser like Lincoln Loud!!!

"you seem to get angry when anyone talk of him in a good light and you like to try to not want to talk about him" said Stella "either he did something that have you nervous of him…or you are simply jealous"

"I'm a god he's a mortal what's there to be jealous about?!" Ronnie Anne exclaimed incredulously.

"Then you are afraid of him?" asked Stella with a smile enjoying how easy was mess with Ronnie.

At this Ronnie Anne gave an annoyed growl and glare toward the other girl.

"And why...would I be afraid of him?" she asked with open disgust and disbelief

"Who knows" said Stella with a small laugh "but it seems you don’t want to talk about him no matter what so is either jealousy or fear"

Ronnie Anne gave an annoyed growl her grip tightening on her hammer wanting so much to smash the other girls face in

And honestly her jealous or scared of lame-o loud as if!

"Maybe he is just jealous that Lincoln got kissed by two girls instead of her" said Zach fixing his glasses.


"Say that that again I dare you!" Ronnie Anne snapped her eyes glaring toward Zach murderously causing the boy to free and gulp with fear.

"Gulp...well...you telling me all the times you bully him, stuff trash on his locker, pull down his pants in public, stick gum to his hair, or simply punch him with no reasons weren’t you sending signals of love to him?" asked the new Hermes.

As the boy carried on many were shooting Ronnie Anne disapproving looks or ones of disbelief...some of the latter being directed to Zach.

"Zach...bullying is bullying!" Stella snapped with a groan scowling at him.

"But...we were told those where signal a girl liked a boy" said Liam "so everyone in our old school thought Ronnie liked Lincoln"

"Wait they thought WHAT!?" Ronnie Anne roared out with a twitching eye with a look that was a mixture of disgust and disbelief, "WHAT IDIOT TOLD YOU THAT?!" Cried out practically every single girl riding the bus causing Liam and the other boys to wince at the volume and force.

"I..well...we..think was Lori?" said Liam

"No think it was on a magazine that Clyde brought one day and he said it was given to him from Lori" said zack trying to make memory.

At this every single girl gave a groan with Carol Pingrey even face palming.

"I think I need to have a talk with that girl next time I see her." she groused out with a frown, "Honestly I thought Leni was supposed to be the love disaster." muttered out another voice among the students.

"I DONT CARE WHO SAY WHAT!!!!" roared Ronnie lighting cracking on her body as she fulminated Liam and Zack with her eyes "AS FOR YOU TWO!! THE NEXT PRACTICE YOUR ASS IS MINE!!!" she threatened "LOCE LINCOLN? DISGUSTING!!! I DID WHAT I DID BECASE HE WAS A LAME BOY THAT WAS EASY TO PICK ON AND ENTERTAINING TO SEE GET HUMILIATED!!!"

"And it's that kind of attitude that's going to see you lose that Sid girl as a friend and land you straight in you know where with all the other psycho gods!" Snapped Stella with a glare toward the girl having never been a fan of her or Chandler but she didn't think she was this bad!

"On that she is right" called Carol with a frown "and that kind of aptitude will land you in detention if it was in my hands!" declared the new Ishtar "and that goes for everyone too"

"Am I understood?" She added with a stern glare toward certain students Ronnie Anne included.

"Huff...whatever.." The new Thor said with a dark scowl.

"And don't think I won't be having a talk with Bobby about your behavior or what you said either young lady." Carol added actually causing Ronnie Anne to freeze.


"uhhhh Ronnie is in trouble" Zack couldn’t help but mock in sing-like-tone.

"And you'll be joining her if you push your luck!" Carol snapped sending a glare to him causing the boy to freeze, "Because in case it missed your notice now is literally the worst possible time for this kind of behavior and nonsense!"

The older girl said with an angry growl while subconsciously channeling her friend Lori by using the word literally.

"The moment we arrive at the academy, you will contact your families to tell them what happened and then I want everyone to go to the common areas and remain there until the principal return" continued the new goddess of love and war.

"Honestly they all have to be worried sick." Carol said shaking her head with a frown before another voice spoke up.

"Yeah, do want to call the folks and tell them I’m okay." Polly Pain the reincarnation of Nezha said with a frown, "But while we're bringing up what happen..." The girl gained a look of concern, "Did anyone else notice anything off about those monsters or was it just me?" she asked everyone on the bus with a frown.

"No, it wasn’t just you" said Carol "they were acting...different…coordinated...they were fighting with strategy" she added "almost like following orders"

The mortician club and Cookie exchanged looks at that...they suspected about the reason but the principal was clear about NOT telling anyone.

"Tch...they just got some lucky hits" said Ronnie in bad mood "nothing to worry about"

"And nothing we couldn’t handle" added Rusty full of himself.

"Considering even Principal Huggins got surprise I beg a differ." Stella said with a scowl while nervously rubbing her arm, "I mean what if this is the start of a trend?" she asked everyone worriedly as suddenly they all paused, "Monsters are dangerous enough as it is if they start working together and fighting smarter..." she nervously licked her lips, "can you imagine how much damage they could cause...how many people they could hurt?!"

The majority of the god kids in the bus exchanged looks with worry.

"On that...she is right" said Clyde "I mean I don’t know how a monster would get smarter but..." he trailed with worry.

"Tch then we will need to hit them harder" said Ronnie hitting her palm with her hammer "I haven’t found a monster that can’t be dusted with a good hit of this baby"

But the next question caused her and the others to freeze.

"And what if they get the idea to go after our families?" Bertrand asked speaking up for the first time on the bus with a thoughtful scowl "True all families of god kids are given security...but if the monsters behave like they did today and perform a coordinated strike..."

"IF THEY TRY THAT THEY WILL BEG FOR DEATH!" roared Ronnie in anger "NO ONE MESS WITH MY FAMILIA!” her hammer sparked with her rage.

"But he's bringing up a good point" Cookie said worriedly fretting, "today felt like a trap and if whatever caused it decides to go after our families..." she said nervously slipping out more than she intended causing the mortician club to shoot her looks.

"Whatever it caused it? you think someone could have been commanding the monsters?" asked Zack intrigued by the idea.

"That sounds like what Chandler said about Lincoln" called Rusty again "that he was talking to them"

"Urg not this again!" Ronnie Anne said with a face palm before giving the boy a glare, "Look even if controlling monsters was possible how the heck would a normal mortal do it!?" she snapped with a dark look, "And if there were any gods that could control monsters Lincoln failed the inheritor ritual!"

"She is right on that" said Clyde "in both points actually"

"Then...what if this Lincoln is not Lincoln but a monster pretending to eb Lincoln to infiltrate our society and destroy us from the inside?!!!" called Zack in full conspiracy mode.

At that everyone went still before shooting Zach flat looks.

"I'm pretty sure Lori and her sisters would notice if they're brother had been replaced." Carol said with a flat look eyebrow twitching, "And I'd thank you not to start some crazy witch hunt by causing people to panic about their neighbors being secretly monsters!"

"Although there are monsters that can take human form like the Jotuns" said Polly "maybe one did that in the school?"

"Hmm maybe..." Carol said with a thought look and frown "But that would mean this was planned if that's the case." Stella added in worriedly.

"But if it was planned" said Bertrand pulling out some cards "what was the final goal?" he said pulling out one "the cards can’t tell"

"Hmm Boris suspects this has likely caused a large amount of fear and panic among populace." The reincarnation of Anubis said with a thoughtful nod and frown.

"All these monsters set loose? not to mention some as dangerous as the Chimera?" Persephone added "if not guilty party is found fear and paranoia could take roots in the soul of the people"

"And you can bet people like Ragnarök will exploit that somehow." Stella added with her own worried grimace.

"Hey" Carol called softly as she put a hand on the Philippine girl "Don’t worry...yes this seems a big of a mess…but I’m sure we can fix things" she said "we beat the monsters and once we know who did this it will be only a matter of time to catch them and make them pay"

"Yeah...yeah your right." Stella said giving a tentative nod trying to believe in Carols words and not let her worry show.

"For now, let’s get ready guys...the day is not over yet" said the new Ishtar as the bus went through a big iron door on a high white wall that limited the area of Skyrus academy.

The bus continued down the path until it reached the main building of a great campus; around them multiple temple-like buildings surrounded by lush gardens filled the campus alongside marvelous statues of old heroes/gods, fountains other decorations that screamed of wealth and power.

On the field they could see multiple living iron statues carrying swords and shields (Automatons) making rounds alongside centaurs.

"No matter how many times I see it..." Chloe spoke up smiling at the academy through the window "it's every bit as breath taking as the last time if not more so." the girl said with a giggle.

"Yeah" said Clyde also in awe that HE was attending this place.

"Hehehe and the company is not bad either" said Rusty as some water nymphs emerged from a close by fountain giggling and waving at the arriving students with "interest" in their eyes.

"Perverts..." Stella muttered out with a grumble and rolling her eyes she knew not every mystical creature was classified as hostile to gods or mortals but if you asked her that didn't mean they couldn't be "dangerous" to students in "other ways" she thought dryly as Rusty looked at the nymphs like a hungry dog eying a steak.

"Eyes on your head Spores!" called Carol as the bus stopped on the main entrance "everyone out and to the common area...remain in uniform and no distractions!"

"Sheesh she's really pulling the drill sergeant routine today." Zach muttered out to the others as they moved to follow Carols instructions.

"Considering what happen today can you blame her?" Clyde asked with an arched brow.

"And look what happened...we kicked ass and look good doing it" said Rusty "If anything we should be the ones in charge for saving her and the principal´s life"

However, he froze as Carol spoke.

"Really now?" right behind him causing him to give a nervous gulp and turn to find her staring down at him "I’ll make sure Principal Huggins knows you feel like this next time I see him." she told him bluntly while he gave a nervous laugh while his friends all shared a face palm.

"hehehe...come on gorgeous..." he tried to act suave "you will do something to harm the one that saved your life?"

That....however was the wrong thing to say.

"I'll also be telling Lynn you've volunteered to be her new sparring partner for the rest of the school term." Carol said her tone frosty as Rusty paled made all the worst at her next words. "I'm sure she'll be quite interested in how you were trying to blame Lincoln for today’s incident too."

"Oh come on!" cried the new Apollo.

"Not to be mean...but I don’t feel bad for him" said Stella.

"Yeah...he was kinda asking for it." Even Chloe agreed with a nod.

"Can’t get more unlucky than that" said Zack.

"oh, I wouldn’t bet on that" said Bertrand "it seems bad luck is not done with him yet" he said pointing at the door where Luna and Luan Loud were rushing out to meet them.

"Of course..." Liam said with a sigh as the girls arrived.

"Dudes is everyone okay!?" Luna asked worriedly while looking toward Carol.

"A bit hit and in need of a bath but we are fine" said Carol "I’m guessing you got the alert"

"Got the alert? dude the news is going crazy about what happened!" Luna exclaimed out with a worried frown.

"Yeah, their saying a lot of kid's got mauled by monsters!" Luan added actually looking scared both sisters’ minds going to all their younger siblings at the elementary school.

"Fortunately, that its...not true" said Carol after a small pause "some kids, unfortunately, do were hurt and were taken to the hospital"

"What WHO!?' Luan demanded grabbing and shaking Carol by her shoulders.

"Do you know if our sibs are okay!?" Luna demanded in turn.

"Woah, woah take it easy!" the reincarnation of Ishtar called before pushing Luan back.

"thankfully i can tell you no...none of your siblings were hurt" she answered "Lori and Lynn were actually going to take them back home before we left"

"Oh, thank the ancient gods." Luan said with a sigh of relief shares by Luna.

"I'm honestly surprised that your family didn't call or vice versa." Carol added with a frown only for the girls to shake their heads.

"Skyrus ordered a communication blackout." Luna said with a scowl crossing her arms.

"They what?" asked Carol´s in shock "who gave such an order?" she asked with some anger.

"Or why?" added Benny approaching the girls.

"Uggg I bet it was Bolhofner trying to act like the big man again" carol scowled "why the principal left him in charge while he went to the exhibition again?"

"He is able to keep the wilder god kids in line." Luna admitted reluctantly with a slight scowl

Carol crossed his arms with a huff

vice-principal/coach Bolhofner was one inheritor that did won his reputation as a strict teacher with PLENTY of honors.

He was a very strict teacher, who demanded a lot from his students and punished them for minor misdeeds like not being in their assigned areas during his classes. He also expected kids to be on time for class, lest they are hit with detention. And the less you talk about the punishment he dished if his instructions were NOT followed the better for your mental health.

Hell, probably the only kid he MIGHT respect in ALL the academy was Lynn...which in turn have made many students call her "Bolynn jr." (although never when she was on earshot).

"That man is such a control frea!" Carol said with a slight scowl and growl, "And how the heck is a communication blackout going to avoid a panic when clearly it's making students more worried!" she snapped with a dark look wondering who else besides Luna and Luan were worried and wanted answers.

"Because that way we stop crying babies from over-panicking anyone on the outside which in turn could cause hysteria to take over the town!!" a rough voice sounded as a male figure walked out the building.

He was a tall, dark tan-skinned man with dark greasy hair, two thick black eyebrows, and a black mustache. He was dressed in a golden armor decorated with rubies, a purple cape and loincloth, armored boots and a lion-buckle belt. On his head he had a golden crown and was holding a serrated curved sword.


"And instead, we have students panicking about whether or not their loved ones are okay." Carol said dryly while gesturing over to Luna and Luan as example.

"Hey lay off! we've been worried sick about our sibs because we had no idea if they were okay!" Luna snapped back with a slight glare to the man.

"If you have time to worry you have time to fight!" called Bolhofner in hard tone "change now!"

Luan and Luna seem to growl but the former simply made a movement with her hand causing a staff with a dragon head on the top but with a sword at the bottom to appear on her hand.

A quick flash of fire and the reincarnation of Loki was now dressed in a light leather armor over a red/green tunic-pants combo (with a belt with a snake pattern with small knives on it), brown snow boots and a feathered cloak. her hair was fixed on a braided ponytail.

"Forget laugh bone you seriously need a care bone in your body." Luan huffed out.

"I care...I care for this school and its safety!" the incarnation of Gilgamesh called raising its sword.

"Tch drama queen" Luna scoffed pulling out her guitar and touching a melody causing her clothes to vanish and be replaced in a sunset-colored aura for a golden Egyptian dress that parted and left her legs naked (showing a group of blue colored tattoos on them) alongside her crown appearing on her head and golden bracelets on her ankles and writs.

"That's better..." Bolhofner said with a pleased nod "We need all students at the ready for anything!" He added with a hard bark.

In that moment a raven flew down in front of the teacher; its eyes glowing before the voice of the principal came out of it

"Bolhofner, things here are under control with only some big monsters uncounted for...please make sure the students can communicate with their families as the last thing we need is more angry parents adding to the crowd I need to calm here"

At that Carol along with several other students shot Bolhofner smug looks while the man gave an annoyed growl.

"Grr fine! I will go deactivate the field" huffed the new king of heroes "but only because the principal said it was fine to do so NOW"

He emphasized the last word with a glare before stomping off while grumbling under his breath.

"Honestly, it would kill that man to admit he made the wrong call, wouldn't it?" Carol huffed out crossing her arms while sending the man back a glare.

"Tch he thinks himself like the next big hero" said Luna with a scowl "and will take any opportunity to try show it"

"you'd think he'd throw in the towel and retire...or at least get a sense of humor by now." Luan added in her with own grumbling mutter.

"Yeah, but I don’t see that happen...think he is still waiting for his big moment or something like that" said Carol "anyways I will go tell the rookies they can use their phones now and then call my family"

"Yeah, and Luan and I need to call our own folks." Luna said with a frown of worry shared by Luan, "really want to hear from them that everyone’s okay you know..." she said with Carol giving an understanding nod.

"For what I heard...they are." said Carol before leaving.

"Really hope so" Luan muttered out after Carol left.

"Relax dude I’m sure our sisters and bro are just fine." Luna said with a confidant grin that was betrayed by the worried look in her eyes

Loud gods - Chapter 7 - D_rissing, nightmaster000 (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.